Friday, December 13, 2013

An ebook describing an experience after practicing meditation

I have just found a useful Buddhist book that might be of interest for international audience.

This ebook describing an experience after practicing meditation was translated into English from a Thai language public speech given by a Thai Professor of Virology several years ago.  I had listened to this recorded talk, and many others, some years back. In this talk, he described his experience few decades ago, after he freshly received his Ph.D. from UK, then went on to become a Buddhist monk in Bangkok for a short period before embarking on his academic career at a Thai university.
In my own interpretation, be warned, I believed that he had passed the first enlightenment during his monkhood. Although he is now retired, he has become a prominent public speaker encouraging people to meditate to purify their minds.

Update: I believe the original link to the PDF is inaccessible. I thus point to another storage location of the same file (under different filename) at GotoKnow.